2PS001 Mic Check One Two (EN)

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Hello and welcome! This is the "Two Photos Show". I'm Friedemann, I'm your host.

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Today is February 1st, 2021. I'm recording this during the lockdown,

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during the global pandemic, here in my flat in Dresden, Germany.

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I do know that I have a German accent. English is not my mother tongue,

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but the reason why I'm doing this podcast in English and German

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is that I actually want to be able to speak to everyone I know.

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And not everyone I know can speak German, so I want to do this show in two languages.

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I'm not really sure how this will work out, but let's just see.

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The idea of this show is that I will invite one guest,

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the guest brings a photograph and I will also bring a photo.

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And then we will just talk about the photos.

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This can be about composition, this can be about a topic that is set by the image.

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It's quite open, it's some free discourse. It's just a conversation about the image.

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And what I'm always very interested in is the intent of the photographer.

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So why did the photographer choose to take the image?

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What was actually the story behind the image?

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So what I'm looking for here is a deeper conversation about the images,

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the process, what was happening while the image was created.

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And I'm also interested in how other people see photographs.

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Because I know what I think about the photograph,

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but I do not know what other people think of it.

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Especially when I took a picture and I showed it to someone else,

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then very often I'm surprised what people see there.

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So let's see how this all works out.

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I will upload these images to my Flickr account.

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You can see them there. I will also try to embed them here in the website

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and add the links to the show notes.

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As I don't know how you are actually listening to this,

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whether you have an app or a podcatcher or whatever,

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I cannot tell you where the show notes are.

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But if your app actually displays show notes, you will see the links there.

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If you will listen to this on the website of the show,

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you can just see the image there or click on the link to Flickr.

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I'm really excited. Let's see where this leads us.

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This first episode in English is just a test of my audio equipment.

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I just hooked up my microphone.

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Let me know whether you like the quality.

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I will try to get this file on the website.

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I hope to talk to my guests soon. Bye.